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Conquer Together

Welcome to the Fearless Epilepsy Warrior Community

Join us in showing the world the strength and courage of Team Fuey, the Fearless Epilepsy Warrior Community! #TeamFUEY #EpilepsyAwareness #RunSwimCycleRace

Let's unite to create a brighter future for those living with epilepsy. 

Our Initiatives

Have Fun - Team Fuey

We are a strong and supportive community of athletes, united in our fight against epilepsy. We are committed to competing in triathlons, marathons, and 5k walks to raise awareness and funds for our cause. Our team spirit and dedication to our mission are unshakeable, and we invite everyone who shares our passion to join us in our efforts. Let's join together to create a brighter future for everyone living with epilepsy and show the world that nothing can stand in our way!

Get Sponsored

Share your story and join us on a journey to inspire others through athletics. We are proud to sponsor runners who are driven to challenge themselves and take on a marathon, ultra, and triathlons. Let us support your dream and help make it a reality. Together, we can raise awareness and create a lasting impact!

Fund Research

We are dedicated to supporting research that helps to empower those with epilepsy to take control of their lives. Through our efforts, we strive to make advances in treatments that allow people to better manage their condition and lead more confident, independent lives.

Community Forum

We are committed to helping create a brighter future for those living with epilepsy, and we encourage the community to join us in this mission. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those affected.

Mother and child using a computer
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